TesselLearn logo with  Braille T and ASL handshake L

Reviews, evaluations and technical testingcheck mark

TesselLearn evaluates web pages, software, hardware, documents and media. We use technical, code-based, manual and assistive technology testing and compare with multiple standards. Our team reviews websites and software using initial automatic reviews, deep code and manual reviews and screen reader testing. You receive a report of needed fixes - reported in a code agnostic, WCAG 2.1 structure - and can schedule follow-up discussions.

TesselLearn provides expert guidance for strategizing. The best time to focus on digital accessibility is as you build. We will test your software periodically as your collaborators in the build or rapid deployment processes.

Reviews based on standards

TesselLearn staff and consultants understand 508 and 508 Refresh standards along with:

Thorough assessment

We use JAWS, NVDA, VoiceOver and other screen readers; Dragon Naturally Speaking and additional appropriate assistive technology along with automatic and manual methods during reviews.